Monthly Archives: February 2012

Gap Theory

Whats the point of good intentions? I have a problem that I really don’t understand, I have many great ideas about things to do or create, and yet I see a major gap between my intentions and the end results.

How the hell does this happen to me? I try so hard, I don’t think its for a lack of desire. Its like I’m missing something that I don’t even have a word for. Hang on a second, I’ll make one….”Oomph”

You get that by taking the word ‘life’ and then subtracting half each of ‘passion’, ‘purpose’ and ‘drive’. What you end up with is a seeming lack of ‘Oomph’.

As a ‘grown-up’ human being, what can I do to reduce that gap and regain my ‘Oomph’?

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Toxic Perfection

I’m a perfectionist and its probably killing me from the inside out.

I hold myself to a standard that is a thousand times higher than I expect of others, yet for an unknown reason, I’m always surprised and hurt when I consistently fail it. Talk about stupid huh?! I fear failure like a snake in the dark, and then I set myself up for exactly that.

If I can’t reach the mark with something, I won’t touch it with a ten foot pole.
Its all or nothing…in every area of my life.

All or nothing sounds like a great life motto, but its actually prideful arrogance and fearful insecurity covered in the cloak of determination and the pursuit of excellence.

All to often, I’m unable to give something my all, so I give it nothing. There are vast areas of my life where I’m missing enjoyment and possibilities, because I’m scared of the first-time stepping in the door and failing.

Let’s get down to the serious brass tacks of the situation…

Problem: Perfectionist to a fault
Solution: Accept risk of failure

Us perfectionists have to become vulnerable, and be willing to fail. We have to force ourselves to try something new and dangerous because we might like it, rather than not trying it simply because we might not like it or we might fail at it. (…I think that makes sense?)

I’m not saying you and I have to accept failure; we just have to accept the risk of it.

This ranges from taking up a new sport or making that job change, to simply trying something new on the menu today. (Or asking that cute receptionist out… go on, you know the one I mean.)

Here’s to the delightfully painful resignation of casting off from ‘sound reasoning’, and setting full sails in the winds of chance and possibility; Cheers!


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